Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Development PHP Platform Stacks released with 5.6.0beta4

Development of PHP 5.6 keeps moving forward and this week a new beta version has been released. This version is just a bugfix release, and is intended to be the last release in the beta phase. You can find more information about the changes for PHP 5.6.0beta4 here.

We just released new versions of the PHP development installers, virtual machines and Amazon EC2 and Azure cloud images that ship the new PHP version.

Bitnami PHP development stacks ship Apache, MySQL, PHP in addition to other libraries and dependencies. You can click in the images to download the files.

In addition to that, we have also upgraded our PostgreSQL-based development environments: LAPP for Linux, MAPP for OS X and WAPP for Windows.

Try now if your application is ready for PHP 5.6! Check out Bitnami AMP/APP stacks and post your feedback in our community forums.