We are happy to announce the release of the BitNami Cloud Launchpad for Windows Azure, which provides one-click test-drive deployments of BitNami applications in the Azure Cloud.
With just one click, you will be able to launch most applications that are part of BitNami, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Redmine and dozens of others, in the cloud. Your demo server will run for one hour, so you have time to check out the app, before automatically shutting down. Of course, you can also launch the app on your own Windows Azure account (click on the "See in VMDepot" button next to the app) to keep it running on an ongoing basis.
Getting started with the Launchpad is as easy as going to http://bitnami.com/azure, selecting the app you want to check out and clicking the "Launch" button.
We will spin up a new server on Azure and start the process of installing and configuring the application for you.
Just a few minutes later, you will receive a notification email and be able to start using the application!
While your demo server will only run for one hour, you can repeat this process with different applications. Once you are ready to run production applications, you can sign up for Windows Azure and launch BitNami images directly from your own account.
BitNami will be present at OSCON this week. If you are attending, pass by our booth to say hello and check out BitNami apps running on Windows Azure.