Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Public OpenStack Cloud with Cloud & Heat and Bitnami

One of our main goals at Bitnami is to make open source server software accessible to a large number of users by making it easier to install and manage. We do so primarily through the Bitnami.com website and the Bitnami library of prepackaged popular open source applications

In addition to this work we also partner with other companies and organizations that want to offer Bitnami to their customers. We are happy to announce Bitnami for Cloud & Heat, the latest cloud provider to add Bitnami to its offering.

Cloud & Heat Technologies is a provider of cloud-based computing services with a twist: the waste heat produced by the running servers is used for heating buildings and for heating water. The cloud server will be installed directly into the heating system and connected to the Internet via a virtual data center. All this is completely transparent to the end user.

Cloud & Heat is based out of Europe and powered by OpenStack, a flexible and popular open source cloud computing platform that has quickly become the platform of choice for both private and public cloud providers.

As part of the Bitnami Launch promotion, Cloud & Heat is offering 500 hours of free usage on their platform for new customers. Check it out!