Thursday, November 30, 2017

Php 7.2 is now available on Bitnami

PHP, one of the most popular programming languages, has just released a new major version. And now, we are thrilled to announce that PHP 7.2 is available in the Bitnami catalogue!

We have released WAMP, LAMP, LAPP, MAMP, MAPP installers, virtual machines, and AWS cloud images to support the new version of PHP in all platforms.

As a developer, some changes that might interest you are:

  • Convert numeric keys in object/array casts
  • Counting of non-countable objects
  • Object typehint
  • HashContext as Object
  • Argon2 in password hash
  • Improve TLS constants to sane values
  • Mcrypt extension removed
  • New sodium extension

Visit the PHP 7 change-log web page for more information about this release.

If you are interested in deploying PHP 7.2 in the AWS cloud, you can do it following this link: