Bitnami Content

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Bitnami Helm charts and Containers Catalog is Growing!

The Bitnami Application Catalog grows every month to offer to both our catalog users and our enterprise users new Helm charts and containers to help shorten the builder’s journey for running applications in production. 

In the last 4 months, we have added more than 15 new solutions to our catalog. Additionally, delivering on our community promise, the Bitnami content team has merged more than 300 pull requests (approximately 60% of them from external contributors) and closed almost the same number of user issues.   

As always, community feedback and external contributions are essential for us to improve our solutions based on the user experience. 

Along with these new additions, we have also incorporated in the catalog two Data Platform blueprints implemented via Helm charts. 

Find in the list below the new Helm charts and containers available for you to discover. 

Bitnami Helm charts Releases (Jun - Sep 2021) 

Bitnami Containers Releases (Jun - Sep 2021) 

Data Platform Blueprints for Deployment Automation

Bitnami has added to its catalogs two data platform blueprints in the form of Helm charts specifically designed for enabling enterprise development teams to automate the deployment of multi-stacks data platforms on Kubernetes:  

Data Platform Blueprint 1 with Kafka-Spark-Solr  

Data Platform Blueprint 2 with Kafka-Spark-Elasticsearch  

The use of blueprints reduces the need for reconfigurations after initial data platform deployments. These Helm charts have pre-defined parameters to automate the deployment lifecycle. This default configuration covers:  

  • Pod placement rules 
  • Pod resource sizing rules 
  • Default settings to ensure Pod access security 
  • Optional Tanzu Observability framework configuration 

To learn how to use Bitnami deployment blueprints to simplify the complexity of new data analytics platform deployment, check out this series of tutorials.  

Support and Resources 

Refer to the Bitnami documentation and our Tutorials site to learn more about Kubernetes and Bitnami Helm charts and containers. 

For solving the problems you may have (including deployment support, operational support, and bug fixes), please open an issue in the Bitnami Helm chart GitHub repository.  Also, if you want to contribute to the catalog, feel free to send us a pull request, and the team will check it and guide you in the process for a successful merge.   

Visit the Bitnami Helm chart repository in GitHub for more information about our charts’ latest releases and improvements or navigate to the Bitnami Application Catalog and VMware Marketplace for deploying the solution of your choice in any Kubernetes platform. 

Bitnami Helm charts are also available for deployment via Kubeapps installation.