Thursday, April 12, 2012

Exclusive Wordpress Add-ons and Support Discount for BitNami Users!

We have teamed up with WPMU, a very popular website for Wordpress developers, to get an exclusive, limited-time discount for BitNami users! We are excited to be able to bring you this special offer, which gets you a access to a treasure trove of over 300 Wordpress plugins and themes as well as support from the Wordpress experts at WPMU. You will save time and money with code you can rely on, and have the peace of mind that comes with having the most expert and experienced team behind you. It is like having your own private team of WordPress developers at your fingertips!

Don't miss out and take advantage of a HUGE 65% off of a full WPMU DEV membership - that is a savings of over $270!

Use this link to purchase a 1 year Elite subscription to WPMU DEV for $147 (a $420 value):

Act now, as this deal will expire on Sunday, April 15th!

This is the first time we are running this type of promotion. We would love to get your feedback on whether or not you would like to see more offers and discounts. Let us know what you think by emailing us at hello at bitnami dot org.