If you are not familiar with it, Liferay is a complete, Java-based portal platform. It can be used as a web content management system, an integration platform, a collaboration platform, a social application platform or any combination thereof. Liferay customers range from federal agencies and major investment banks to media and branding-rich organizations like Sesame Street.
BitNami Cloud Hosting is a platform that simplifies the
deployment and management of web applications in the cloud. It provides
one-click application deployment, automatic incremental backups, resizing, server scheduling, monitoring, cloning and other
features that enable businesses to deploy and manage applications in
the cloud. Now that Liferay is included in the BitNami Cloud Hosting library,
you can have a complete Liferay platform up and
running in the cloud in minutes. Snapshot functionality makes it easy to make
copies of production servers to test upgrades before deploying them or to
develop new features separate from the production environment.
To learn more, download our free joint whitepaper, "Running Liferay in the Cloud with BitNami".
You can sign up for BitNami Cloud Hosting at: http://bitnami.org/cloud and for a free trial of Liferay Enterprise at: http://www.liferay.com/bitnami-trial