At BitNami, our goal is to make it easy to run your favorite server applications on any platform you choose. As you know, we already provide free native installers, virtual appliances and cloud images for over 60 of the most popular open source apps. Today, we are excited to announce a new way to get your favorite BitNami apps - the Mac App Store!
That's right - the first set of BitNami Apps is now available directly in the Mac App Store, so you can install and manage BitNami Apps right through that interface. All of the BitNami Apps in the Mac Store are completely free and come with a graphical management tool for stopping and starting the servers and more. The following applications are currently available in the Mac App Store, with more to come:

WordPress: WordPress is one of the most popular web publishing platforms available, used on millions of sites around the world.
Drupal: Drupal is a content management platform that allows an individual or community of users to easily publish, manage, and organize a wide variety of content on a website.
MAMP: BitNami MAMP Stack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies.
Joomla!: Joomla! creates multiple format sites from simple websites to complex corporate applications and allows users to manage each aspect of their website through a simple, browser-based interface.
The Mac App Store BitNami Apps are a great way to set up development environments, check out the latest versions of your favorite apps, and even run apps in production. If you enjoy using the apps, the best way to thank us is by rating the apps and leaving helpful comments in the App Store. Enjoy!