Tuesday, August 2, 2011

BitNami Redmine Stack now available in Spanish and Japanese!

Hello! ¡Hola! こんにちは!

We have been working on a lot of exciting new features and improvements for BitNami and BitNami Cloud Hosting that we will be releasing over the next few weeks. Today we are really happy to announce support for Japanese and Spanish for one of our most popular stacks: Redmine is a great project management tool that is both flexible and easy to use. The new language support means that the whole installation process and application setup have been localized, making Redmine more accessible than ever for users that are not fluent in English. This is the first of many stacks to be localized. If you are interested in helping with the effort, or would like to see a specific stack localized, please let us know.  We want to thank Sakai Kei for his help with the Japanese translation.

Screen capture of the installer running in Japanese mode
Redmine habla español!