Wednesday, September 27, 2017

TensorFlow Serving Now Available in Bitnami!

Interested in experimenting with machine learning, or looking to add image recognition to your own application stack? Bitnami is pleased to announce that doing so just got easier, with the release of TensorFlow Serving with Inception-v3 framework!

TensorFlow Serving was developed and open sourced by the Google Brain team in 2015. It uses a standard architecture and set of APIs on which you can deploy machine learning algorithms, and is compatible with both TensorFlow models such as Inception-v3 and other types of models and data.

The Bitnami TensorFlow Serving stack comes with the Inception-v3 framework pre-installed and configured. Inception-v3 was developed for classifying complete images into 1,000 classes (such as llama, zebra, aircraft carrier, or even Pembroke Welsh Corgi) as part of the ImageNet Large Visual Recognition Challenge. You can use TensorFlow Serving for tasks like captioning images out-of-the-box, or you can add/create your own models and serve them instead.

We have a number of get started guides for using TensorFlow Serving in the cloud, on your Linux laptop, or even on your Kubernetes cluster! It has never been easier to start experimenting with this exciting technology, and the software is absolutely free to use. Give it a try!

Meet the Bitnami team: Sameer Naik

The Bitnami team is a diverse group of talented people distributed all over the world. Get to know them better through this series of blog posts.

Sameer is an Engineer on the Kubernetes team, and works remotely from Goa, India.

A brief bio

I am from and India, living in the beautiful state of Goa. As a young boy I loved tinkering with electronics. I would often take them apart and put them back together. I had my first experience with computers at an early age (it was a PC with 233 MHz and 16 MB RAM running Windows 95) and I would often watch my brother try to get Linux running on it and write computer programs for it. My journey in the world of computer science had begun as soon as I started to write code myself.

After graduating with a Computer Science degree, I co-founded a hardware startup to work on multimedia devices and developing the software stack for the platforms. I enjoyed the startup work culture and after some very memorable years, I decided to pursue my new found interest in cloud and container technologies and found Bitnami to be the perfect fit to start my new journey.

Why did you join Bitnami and what excites you about working here?

When I came across Docker, I was fascinated by the potential of Linux containers in the software development and delivery life cycle. I began experimenting with the tool and in the process published images for GitLab and Redmine, which became very popular in the Docker community.

I wanted to learn more about software delivery, container orchestration and cloud platforms and in the process came across Bitnami. From that point, it was clear that Bitnami was the place where I could learn more about these technologies.

The container landscape has evolved rapidly and I am proud to say that Bitnami has made significant contributions in the space with its efforts around the Kubernetes, Helm projects, and more! We have been hiring some amazing engineers and our team has grown significantly over the last year as well, which has been exciting to see.

What are you working on?

I am a part of the Kubernetes team at Bitnami. Our sole focus is to always improve our offerings in the container space. We are very proud of the Kubeless and Monocular projects that we have contributed to the Kubernetes community and will continue to enhance the user experience for these tools.

Our team has contributed significantly to the Helm project and are consistently engaged with the user community to understand how users are deploying Linux containers in their infrastructure.

                                                                                  What do you like to do for fun?

I enjoy the company of my pets. I have four dogs, which is a lot fun. I am a avid gym goer and try to workout as often as possible.

I love food, especially middle eastern cuisine. Like every foodie, this one likes to cook.

I am a self taught guitarist and played in a college rock band. It's been a really really long time since I last touched a guitar. I intend to pick it up again soon :)

I have become interested in blockchain technologies and often spend time exploring the exciting new world of blockchain products and services.

Interested in working with Bitnami and Sameer? Apply for one of our open positions!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

7 Bitnami Engineers Among the First Certified Kubernetes Administrators

At Bitnami, we have been packaging applications for over a decade and we see application deployment as a continuum from bare metal, VMs, cloud images, containers even through to serverless. We made an early bet that Kubernetes was going to be the dominant orchestrator for containers in production and have been leading a number of Kubernetes projects that are simplifying packaging and deployment. (check out for 100+ ready-to-run kubernetes helm charts) As we built in-house expertise, we started training our users and customers at industry events and through an ongoing webinar series throughout 2017. So naturally when the Linux Foundation announced the start of their Kubernetes Certified Service Program we jumped at the chance to participate.

Kubernetes Certified Service Provider Requirements:
  • Three or more engineers passing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam
  • Demonstrable activity in the Kubernetes community including active contribution, and a business model that supports enterprise end users including putting engineers at a customer site

Our Kubernetes team went above and beyond the requirement by having 7 of our engineerspass the CKA exam, 3 of which are our Kubernetes trainers.

22 companies were included in the founding class, and we are proud to say that Bitnami was one of them. Along with names such as Canonical, Huawei, and IBM, Bitnami is trusted partner of the Kubernetes ecosystem that can provide Kubernetes support to the world’s leading enterprise companies.

“As Kubernetes has grown, so has the demand from enterprises needing expert services and support. Enterprises working with KCSPs can be confident the partner they’ve chosen to work with has the training and skills needed to help them succeed with Kubernetes.” - Dan Kohn, Executive Director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, in the Linux Foundation Press Release.

Along with our continued contributions to the project, our KCSP certified trainers look forward to spreading their Kubernetes knowledge to enterprises around the world with our customized and detailed training offerings.

If your team is in need of Kubernetes training by a KCSP provider, 
please reach out to us

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Meet the Team: Victor Tuson Palau

The Bitnami team is a diverse group of talented people distributed all over the world. Get to know them better through this series of blog posts

Victor is the Director of Engineering, and works from our Sevilla Office.

A brief bio

I was born and raised in Barcelona. Growing up, I was always keen to learn about how things worked. My interest was equally divided between technology and nature. So much so, that the decision to do engineering came a few days before submitting my university choices. I set Computer Networks as first choice, followed by Veterinary Medicine as second. Luckily for the animal kingdom, I got my first choice.

Another of my passions is learning new cultures, so to complete my final-year degree project, I moved to England for 6 months… long-story short: I stayed there for 17 years, married an English woman and had two kids. In between, my wife and I managed to fit in 18 months living and working in India. 

Enjoying some outdoor time with the family
I soon discovered that although I liked engineering, I really loved working with engineers and helping them build awesome products. Over the years, I worked in the mobile phone industry (Nortel,Symbian and Nokia) before moving towards Open Source.

Before Bitnami, I was the Vice President of Customer Engineering at Canonical, helping our commercial partners to build and ship Ubuntu products.

Why you joined Bitnami and what excites you about working here?

Serverless, Containers and Kubernetes - these are three technologies that are changing the landscape of cloud computing. Bitnami is doing amazing work to bring our highly successful one-click-deployment developer offering from our installers and cloud instances to them. That was what got me talking to Bitnami.

It was meeting the fantastic engineering team in Seville that convinced me to jump on a plane and move to the South of Spain with my family. I am extremely lucky to cycle to the office every day through a city packed with Unesco World Heritage sites, and come to work in a start up packed with world-class professionals, both in our offices in Seville, San Francisco, and our remotely located colleagues. It also doesn't hurt having two very talented founders at the helm of the company! They provide a very crisp and exciting vision for our business and technology.

What are you working on?

As Director of Engineering, my role is to support the team in shipping products and becoming more efficient in the process.

For example, we have just added 4 new database multi-VM cluster solutions to our catalog. We are able to keep growing our catalog by investing in automation and improvements every iteration. Often, the most valuable feedback comes from our community forums and we make sure we help everyone who has a question.

The most important asset in Bitnami are our people; right now I am working with our Director of Operations to roll out improved practices in order to support engineers continuous learning and growth. With these programs, we focus on product, project and people skills and depending on their career choice, we help them achieve the right balance between the three.

I spend a large part of my time on our selection process. We are growing! Hiring the right people to enrich the team’s culture and skills is very important to me. We are looking for engineers for our assets (packaging and CI automation), tools development (golang), and Kubernetes teams.

What do you like to do for fun?

I just moved to Seville, so a lot of my spare time is spent wandering about Seville, visiting places and trying out new restaurants with friends. When it gets too hot, I have fun with my kids in the local pool!

Interested in working with Bitnami and Victor? Apply for one of our open positions!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bitnami Application Catalog Now Available in Open Telekom Marketplace

Open Telekom Cloud users are now able to launch any of our 140+ optimized, trusted, and ready-to-run applications within their new marketplace! Bitnami is proud to be the first publisher of applications for the Open Telekom Cloud marketplace. Now, European customers are able to bring their workloads to Open Telekom Cloud through their marketplace and the Bitnami Launchpad.

With our new partnership, we plan to provide current and interested customers with a series of resources that will highlight the value of Bitnami and Open Telekom Cloud joining forces. Starting this past week we launched a joint webinar series that is designed to highlight a set of popular applications from our catalog and the onboarding and user experience of the Open Telekom Cloud. If you missed our first webinar focused on common Devops tools, Thinking One Step Further with time-saving DevOps tools with Bitnami applications on Open Telekom Cloud? Watch the on-demand recording below: 

For customers that may not be familiar with using open source software, Bitnami’s packaged application stacks provide added features and components to deliver everything you need out of the box. Bitnami ensures each application is: 

  • Ready-to-Run – Pre-configured applications and development stacks 
  • Up-to-date – Bitnami’s Application Catalog is continuously updated and secure 
  • Optimized – Consistently configured for best performance on any platform 
  • Trusted – Over 1 million Bitnami packaged applications are deployed per month 

Along with providing secure, up-to-date, optimized applications, Open Telekom Cloud keeps their customer’s needs in mind by providing a platform that meets German data privacy & compliance regulations and even the upcoming European General Data Protection Regulation, all while enjoying the benefits and flexibility of using the cloud.

New to Open Telekom Cloud? Sign up and receive 250 Euro!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Meet the Bitnami Team: Miranda Carter

The Bitnami team is a diverse group of talented people distributed all over the world. Get to know them better through this series of blog posts

Miranda is the Operations Manager on the Operations team, and works remotely from Vancouver, Washington. 

A brief bio

While I was in college, I took advantage of all of the internships that I could to enhance my skill set and narrow down all of the possible roles that I wanted to do in the workforce. As I went through each of my internships, I realized that I loved being a part of a company that was fast paced and was still in the stage of process creation instead of process enforcement.

As soon as I graduated, I started to look for my first full time job within start-ups, which is how I ended up at Bitnami as their Office Manager.

When I started 4 years ago, we had about 20 employees worldwide with only 5 of us in the San Francisco office that I managed. It was such an exciting time because I was able to learn first-hand about how the company ran while also helping to mold the company culture into a place that would now grow to over 70 people!

As our team has grown, so has my role. I am now the Operations Manager for the San Francisco office. My team covers the needs of our US-based team and all of our remote workers as well.

Why you joined Bitnami and what excites you about working here?

When looking for my new adventure, I was speaking with a few companies and Bitnami was the only one that really grabbed my attention. I knew that I wanted to work for a start-up, but Bitnami was the only company that seemed to have an actually long term plan for success and they were the only founders that I truly wanted to learn from. As time went on, that gut feeling rang true since I have learned more than I could have ever imagined during my time here.

Although it has been almost 4 years, I am still here because the ability to always learn something new has not gone away. Even as the team grows, each employee is encouraged to ask questions and join projects that they are interested in. With this type of company culture, boredom and complacency isn’t an option because things move too fast for you to ever settle down.

Remote-based working culture is one of the biggest aspects of why I am still here as well. Due to family circumstances, I needed to move away from San Francisco and to Vancouver, WA. At first, I thought that I would need to leave the company because of the move, but it turned out that the remote-based culture that Bitnami had built was strong enough to even allow an Operations person to get the job done from anywhere in the world.

The transition from working in the office to working remotely was seamless since all of the employees now understand how to work with remote team members.

Of course, as someone who used to work in the office everyday, I miss seeing everyone in-person, but I know that I will see them at least a few times a year. Also, the founders know the importance of this type of connection, which is why we have in-person engineering sprints a few times a year and the infamous yearly company all-hands trip!

What are you working on?

My team covers many different aspects of the company in order to make sure that daily operations run smoothly such as human resources, office management, recruiting, events and much more.

One of my current projects is focused on building an internal resource center for all company documentation, which will help increase knowledge sharing between all employees. I am using a tool called WorkRamp (seriously, the best tool) to create a company portal that includes all internal information, from our company handbooks to our marketing guidelines, to ensure that every single employee is able to gather the information that they need in one spot.

Enjoying some time at the beach with her little "family" 
What do you like to do for fun?

I am a dog and wine lover, so you can usually see me at an activity that includes either or both of those things during the weekend. One of my favorite places is the beach, so I am now spending the rest of the summer exploring the new Washington coast beaches that I haven’t been to before.

Interested in working with Bitnami and Miranda? Apply for one of our open positions!